Book Reviews
- California Review of Books, June 4, 2024, "Capital City: Gentrification and the Real Estate State."
- Gebieds Ontwikkeling [Area Development], August 17, 2022, "Als Kapitaal de Stad Overneemt."
- Carolina Planning Journal, January 2022, "Review: Capital City."
- Countercurrents, September 26, 2021, "The Real Estate State?"
- Boletin de la Asociacion de Geografos Espanoles, September 2021.
- Angles from the Carolina Planning Journal, April 2021, "Reading for the Job Search and the Soul Search: Capital City & Prophetic City."
- Counterfutures, March 2021, "The Path Home: Dismantling the Supremacy of Real Estate."
- Middle States Geographer, 2020, 53: 51-60, "Gentrifications: A Review of Recent Books on Gentrifying American Cities."
- Journal of Urban History, September, 2020, "Who Owns the Waterfront?"
- New York Labor History Association, June, 2020, "Capital City: Gentrification and the Real Estate State."
- Design Exchange, May 19, 2020, "Book Review: Capital City: Gentrification and the Real Estate State."
- Rabble, review of Transformative Planning, May 14, 2020, "To Fight Neoliberalism in Cities, Planners Must Work with Activists."
- Real Change, April 1, 2020, "Wealth and the City."
- The Metropole, February 9, 2020, "Boston on Sam Stein's Capital City: Gentrification and the Real Estate State."
- Yes! Magazine, February 19, 2020, "Antidotes to Gentrification: Plans for Democratized, Affordable Housing."
- New Labor Forum, February 11, 2020, "Whose Right to the City?"
- Planum: The Journal of Urbanism, 2019, "Planners of the World, Unite!"
- Democratic Left, December 11, 2019, "Bleak House."
- Alifya, December 1, 2019, "Negara Real Estate."
- Cassa Della Cultura , November 25, 2019, "Le Citta Tra Mercato E Gentrificatione."
- The New Yorker, November 20, 2019, "The Plight of the Urban Planner."
- Public Books, October 28, 2019, "Cities Run By Real Estate."
- Los Angeles Review of Books, October 2, 2019, "Unmaking the Real Estate State."
- London School of Economics Review of Books, September 29, 2019.
- The Architectural Review, September, 2019, "Neighborhood Botch: The Real-Estate State and the Empire of Finance."
- The Advocate, September 25, 2019.
- Antipode, September 12, 2019.
- Journal of Urban Regeneration and Renewal, September 2019.
- Progressive City, August 26, 2019, "Review of Samuel Stein's Capital City: Gentrification and the Real Estate State."
- International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, August 16, 2019.
- Journal of Planning Education and Research, August 6, 2019.
- Pacific Standard, July 8, 2019, "Can Cities Build Their Way to Housing Equity? A New Book Suggests Not."
- Briarpatch, July 2, 2019, "The Rise of the Real Estate State."
- City Watch, June 20, 2019, "Why Is the Rent So High? A Review of Samuel Stein's Capital City."
- The Urbanist, May 15, 2019, "Plan Cities for the Working Class not for Real Estate Tycoons, Sam Stein Urges in 'Capital City.'"
- The Indypendent, May 10, 2019: "Activist Scholars Take on Big Developers."
- The Seattle Times, May 10, 2019: "What Does 'an Anti-Capitalist' City Look Like? In 'Capital City,' and Urban Planner Investigates."
- Society and Space review forum on Capital City, May 1, 2019:
- "Capital City and the Nation's Capital" by Amanda Huron
- "Planning for Justice" by Erin McElroy
- "A New Age or Swan Song for Radical Planning in New York City?" by Suleiman Osman
- "Community Organizing, Human Rights, and Capital City" by Rob Robinson
- "Cities, Consent, and Coercion" by Elvin Wyly
- "Capital City: A Response" by Samuel Stein
- Real Life Magazine, April 23, 2019, "Built to Shill."
- The Stranger, April 23, 2019, "Trump Makes a Whole Lot of Sense If We See Him as a Landlord in the White House."
- Knock, March 7, 2019, "Samuel Stein's 'Capital City: Gentrification and the Real Estate State' and What it Means for LA."